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About Absco

Trusted Brands Build On Quality, Service and Innovation

A Rich Heritage
Absolute Coatings Group has a rich heritage with over 90 years of experience in manufacturing specialty floor coatings. Dedicated to creating the highest quality and market-leading flooring products to beautify and protect your natural wood floors, no matter what the need…we have you covered from start to finish!

Innovation Is The Absolute Difference
Absolute Coatings was one of the first companies in the U.S. to introduce polyurethane finishes and we continue to launch products to meet the needs of our customers. Absco’s products have the latest innovation in technology sought after by professionals and experienced do-it-yourselfers to enhance the natural beauty in homes, workplaces and investments of customers across the globe…you’ll never look so good!

Building on a Foundation of Quality and Service
We have earned a stellar reputation with a commitment to customer service, products which deliver quality and real value, and a money-back guarantee. Our well-known and long-standing brands are sought after by professionals and experienced do-it-yourselfers; and our products enhance the homes, work places and investments of customers across the globe. Professional products delivering high-performance protection, solutions to your everyday needs and addressing tomorrow’s growing concerns with the most progressive brands you can depend on. We offer a complete portfolio of brands committed to advancing sustainable products with lower VOC levels, low odor, and easy soap and water cleanup…looking good just got easier!

Meet our team

Meet our experienced team of floor coating experts.

Sales Manager, Distribution

Western Regional Manager,
Onsite Flooring

Sales Manager, Distribution

Residential Sales Manager

Sales/Technical Rep, Residential

Director of Sales,
Onsite Flooring

National Sales Manager,
Sports Floors